Redefining the Ride – Xpress 2.0
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Proposed Changes are Coming to Xpress!
Based on the recent planning study called Redefining the Ride – Xpress 2.0, public input, and subsequent analyses, the Atlanta-region Transit Link Authority (ATL) published an updated draft service plan on January 13, 2025.
The purpose of Redefining the Ride – Xpress 2.0 was to align Xpress bus service with current demand and promote overall efficiency. The updated draft service plan is available for review below. Public comments will be accepted via comment form through February 12, 2025. ATL will review the comments and make any final service plan changes before the changes take effect in June 2025.
Click here to register for the virtual public meeting, which will be held at 6:30 PM on January 15, 2025. A recording of the meeting will be posted on this website afterward.
About the Proposed Xpress Service Changes
With ridership at only 30% of pre-pandemic levels, Xpress currently provides more service than is utilized. These changes are aimed at improving the efficiency of Xpress service and funding.
Proposed changes may include:
- Adjusting and eliminating underutilized routes and park-and-ride lots to align with current demand patterns
- Redesigning routes to more efficiently serve major corridors
- Adjusting routes to end at MARTA rail stations to improve productivity and reliability
The systemwide recommendations are summarized below. They include:
- 13 Xpress routes proposed to be discontinued
- 9 Xpress park-and-rides proposed for closure
- MARTA proposed as the termini for two corridors
- Total number of trips proposed to be reduced by 50-75%, depending on the corridor
Proposed changes by each corridor, including the proposed route schedules, may also be viewed by clicking on the button below the system map.
How to Provide Input
The updated service plan is available for public comment through February 12, 2025. Feedback on the proposed changes can be provided via a digital public comment form accessible below.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is Xpress making changes to the service?
Current Xpress ridership is 30% of pre-pandemic ridership. These proposed service changes are intended to create a more efficient and effective service. Operating 27 bus routes, 27 park-and-ride lots, and 55 bus stops, Xpress is currently providing far more service than is being utilized. The updated Xpress bus system plan is intended to better match actual usage and improve overall efficiency.
How will the proposed changes impact current Xpress routes?
Proposed changes include less frequent service on some routes, the closure of some park-and-ride lots, and transfers to MARTA on some routes. Current riders may have to take a bus at a different time, use a different park-and-ride lot, and/or transfer from Xpress to MARTA to reach their final destination.
Will there be any changes to the park-and-ride lots?
Yes, some park-and-ride lots are proposed to close to better align Xpress service with current demand. Affected riders would need to use a different park-and-ride location.
Does the Redefining the Ride – Xpress 2.0 proposed system recommendations increase costs for customers?
No. Currently, there is no plan to increase fares for Xpress customers based on the current service plan.
What is Redefining the Ride - Xpress 2.0?
Redefining the Ride – Xpress 2.0 was a regional study launched by the Atlanta-region Transit Link Authority (ATL) in 2023 to reimagine the Xpress system. The study evaluated commuter travel patterns and identified service change recommendations to better match commuter demand.
What are the goals of the Redefining the Ride – Xpress 2.0 proposed service plan?
The key goals of the service change recommendations include increasing the efficiency of Xpress service, minimizing customer impacts where possible, and ensuring efficient use of available funding.
It appears that several Downtown/Midtown Atlanta stops have been recommended for elimination in the proposed service plan. How will this impact my commute?
While the service plan has streamlined bus stops, proposed changes also provide increased access to MARTA’s rail stations – connecting riders to even more destinations with a free transfer.
When will the Redefining the Ride – Xpress 2.0 service plan be finalized?
The updated service plan is currently being shared with the public and Xpress customers. Feedback received from the public will help refine the final service plan that will be presented to the ATL board for consideration and possible adoption in April 2025. The new service plan is expected to take effect in June 2025.
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How do I provide feedback on the Redefining the Ride – Xpress 2.0 proposed service plan?
Click here to provide your comments on the proposed changes to Xpress service.
How will my feedback on the updated proposed service plan be used?
Your feedback is crucial in shaping the final service plan. The ATL will review all input to understand the concerns of riders and stakeholders. This will help us refine and adjust the proposed changes to better serve the community.
What is the timeline for implementation of these Xpress service changes?
The public comment period is January 13-February 12, 2025. The ATL board will consider adoption on the proposed, updated service plan in April 2025. Service changes, including, potential park-and-ride lot closures and route modifications, are expected to occur in June 2025.
Who to Contact for Additional Help
If this information is needed in another language, please contact the ATL at (404) 893-2100 or [email protected]
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